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  • v1.11.1
    45dcbade · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.11.1
    Version 1.11.1
    - Fixed a crash on Intel GPUs caused by shaders using a deprecated
    - Fixed a freeze when saving or loading a workspace on Windows. (#123)
  • v1.11.0
    a743d0e6 · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.11.0
    Version 1.11.0
    - The Ocelot card can now push messages to the computer in addition to
      receiving them. The computer receives an `ocelot_message` signal for
      each pushed message. (#118)
    - Added holiday decorations for computer nodes.
    - The emulator window's title now shows its version and the save path of
      the current workspace.
    - Clicking on an interactive element no longer prevents its window from
      getting focused. (#99)
    - Fixed a crash when loading a workspace that has a hologram projector
      window open. (#121)
    - Ocelot Desktop now requests a forward-compatible OpenGL 3.2 core
      profile. A potential solution to #119.
    - Fixed the resources allocated by the hologram projector window not
      getting freed when quitting Ocelot Desktop.
    - Made note blocks visible to the whole network, matching the behavior
      of other nodes. (ocelot-brain#35)
    - Fixed Lua 5.3/5.4 libraries failing to load on 32-bit Windows.
  • v1.10.2
    8be35b72 · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.10.2
    Version 1.10.2
    - Added tape playback.
    - Added positional audio for tape drives.
      This can be toggled in the settings.
      - The scope of sounds affected by this will be expanded in the future.
    - Added the tape floppy.
    - Tape drives can now be labeled.
    - Sound emitted by OpenFM radios, sound cards, and tape drives is now
      classified under a new category "Records".
    - Improved the tape drive UI.
    - Added an icon for note block instrument selection in the menu.
    - Disk drives and RAIDs now display the filesystem address.
    - Made RAIDs handle disk activity events.
    - Fixed crashes related to invalid paths on Linux. (#114)
    - Loot floppies no longer lose their (read-only) labels after a reload.
    - Fixed tape drives resetting their state to STOPPED after a reload.
    - Fixed a crash when loading a workspace with a tape drive in a
      non-stopped state.
  • v1.10.1
    5cc802ef · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.10.1
    Version 1.10.1
    - Ocelot files (native libraries, logs, configs, etc.) are now created
      in OS-specific directories.
      The Ocelot Desktop configuration path has been changed accordingly.
    - Renamed a config option for setting the path to a brain config file.
    - `computer.addUser` now checks if the player is "online" (that is,
      has the currently selected player name).
    - Managed disks no longer create new empty directories while loading.
    - Fixed a glitch with an inconsistent window size.
    - Fixed the icon/Link sprite.
  • v1.10.0
    e62bceb3 · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.10.0
    Version 1.10.0
    - Added RAIDs.
    - Added tape drives from Computronics. (ocelot-brain#31)
    - Added microcontrollers.
      Upgrades are not currently supported. (#50)
    - Added a relay mode button in the server rack UI. (#113)
    - Added magical (unbounded) memory from Computronics.
    - Added network activity indication in racks.
    - The new system settings tab allows changing the path to a brain config
      file and generating a default configuration file.
    - Added a menu bar entry to check for updates.
    - Ocelot now asks for confirmation if it sees it's trying to save to a
      non-empty directory (#96).
    - The ocelot card's console has been improved (#109):
      - Added a message count limit.
      - Added a checkbox to scroll to the end of the log automatically.
      - A computer whose ocelot card has logged a message now spawns
        particles so you can notice it.
    - The file chooser will have native look-and-feel where supported by
    - The node selector's background is now less transparent
      for readability.
    - All shaders now use GLSL version 1.40 (OpenGL 3.1).
      The requirement isn't new, but the version was incorrect. (#110)
    - Exceptions that occur while loading or saving a workspace are now
      actually printed to the log.
    - Make saving more robust.
      - A copy of workspace.nbt is made before saving.
      - Quicksave failures should no longer crash the emulator.
      - If a non-existent path is chosen, it will be created.
    - Significantly improved the performance of the ocelot card when it has
      a lot of messages. (#96)
    - Fixed message routing not working in server racks. (#112)
    - The file chooser should now be displayed on top of other windows.
    - Fixed a couple off-by-one errors in racks when dealing with
    - Fixed a crash if an EEPROM tries to load data from an external file
      that does not exist.
  • v1.9.1
    f157465e · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.9.1
    Version 1.9.1
    - Rack disk drives are now spawned with an OpenOS floppy inserted by
    - Fixed snapping of chests and cables (so that they are again aligned in
      the center of a grid cell)
    - Made the Ocelot Card's logging functionality work even when it's
      inside a server.
    - We no longer open/hide the rack window when you shift-click the node.
  • v1.9.0
    d14beae7 · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.9.0
    Version 1.9.0
    - Added server racks, servers, and mountable disk drives.
    - The screen aspect ratio is now customizable via a context menu entry.
    - Added screen previews (turned off by default due to extremely poor
    - Added an Ocelot Card, a custom component that provides methods for
      logging, retrieving the call budget, and querying the time.
    - ocelot-brain upgraded to OC 1.8.3.
    - Removed the native file chooser dialog in favor of the more stable
      Swing file chooser.
    - Node chooser entries are now grouped by their provenance
      ("vanilla" or addon).
    - The new node chooser was made taller.
    - Added icons to all context menu entries.
    - Removed the "Disconnect" entry in the chest's context menu.
    - Fix incorrect scissor bounds calculation when scaling is enabled.
    - Make the linked card's send method work correctly with byte strings.
  • v1.8.0
    1e917db3 · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.8.0
    Version 1.8.0
    # Features
    - Added item chests that allow storing arbitrary items. Their contents
      are persisted along with the rest of the workspace.
    - Items are now draggable (hold the LMB).
    - Added hologram projectors! The hologram window features a 3D viewport
      where you can examine your hologram.
    - Disks (HDDs and floppies) got a new option in the context menu to
      allow relabeling them and making them read-only or unmanaged, among
      other things.
    - Windows now feature a title bar. You can close a window from the GUI
      as well as pin it to the workspace (or unpin). Unpinned windows are
      not moved when you drag the workspace (which is how they worked a long
      time ago).
    # Changes
    - Slots under a mouse cursor are now highlighted.
    - Enabled antialiasting for text on the splash screen.
    - stickyWindows was renamed to pinNewWindows in the configuration file.
      The setting now only affects newly created windows.
    # Fixes
    - The node selector now closes when it loses focus.
  • v1.7.1
    966b526f · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Release: Release v1.7.1
    Version 1.7.1
    - Fix a LWJGLException after a call to X_CreateWindow due to zero window
      dimensions (#85).
    - All resources are now destroyed on exit (!50).
    - Added graceful handling of OpenAL errors (!51).
  • v1.7.0
    42e61071 · Version 1.7.0 ·
    Version 1.7.0