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Version 1.8.0

# Features
- Added item chests that allow storing arbitrary items. Their contents
  are persisted along with the rest of the workspace.

- Items are now draggable (hold the LMB).

- Added hologram projectors! The hologram window features a 3D viewport
  where you can examine your hologram.

- Disks (HDDs and floppies) got a new option in the context menu to
  allow relabeling them and making them read-only or unmanaged, among
  other things.

- Windows now feature a title bar. You can close a window from the GUI
  as well as pin it to the workspace (or unpin). Unpinned windows are
  not moved when you drag the workspace (which is how they worked a long
  time ago).

# Changes
- Slots under a mouse cursor are now highlighted.
- Enabled antialiasting for text on the splash screen.
- stickyWindows was renamed to pinNewWindows in the configuration file.
  The setting now only affects newly created windows.

# Fixes
- The node selector now closes when it loses focus.