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Held item manager item checker

Timothy Metcalfe requested to merge held-item-manager-item-checker into main

We currently have one question: "What is the showdown ID of this Pokemon's held item, if any?" For the current usecase of in-battle checking and communication with showdown, this checks out. My argument is that this is actually two questions:

  1. What ItemStack is this Pokemon holding?
  2. Does that ItemStack have a matching showdown ID? By splitting this into two questions, we keep the original and provide a way to answer the second one on its own. This would allow us or others to create things like the example I introduced in testcommand, or a GUI to show available in-battle items and their effect (an "Item Dex" though I recommend pairing with a "get all available" solution, but that's currently out of my scope).

Merge request reports