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  • Romain Naour's avatar
    support/misc/ retry a job only if it failed due to a runner issue · e0166ecb
    Romain Naour authored and Thomas Petazzoni's avatar Thomas Petazzoni committed
    Each time a new pipeline is triggered, some jobs may fail due to
    temporary issue with a Gitlab runner (network, power supply, docker or
    Most of the problems are "runner system failure" [1] and require to
    retart each failed jobs manually by maintainers to complete the
    pipeline with only real failures if any.
    The "retry" keyword allows to configure how many times a job is retried
    if it fails. "retry:when" allows to retry a failed job only on
    specific failure types like "runner_system_failure".
    While at it, retry a job if it failed due to a timeout failure (this
    timeout means that the job was pending for more than 24h) [2].
    Such timeout failures occur on pipelines testing each Buildroot's
    defconfig since there is not enough gitlab runner available to build
    all of them within 24h.
    Retry only jobs that are more likely to wait for a runner
    (generate-gitlab-ci-yml, runtime_test_base, defconfig_base and test_pkg...
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