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Merge #13424: Consistently validate txid / blockhash length and encoding in rpc calls

Summary: 5eb20f81d9 Consistently use ParseHashV to validate hash inputs in rpc (Ben Woosley)

Pull request description:

ParseHashV validates the length and encoding of the string and throws an informative RPC error on failure, which is as good or better than these alternative calls.

Note I switched ParseHashV to check string length first, because IsHex tests that the length is even, and an error like: "must be of length 64 (not 63, for X)" is much more informative than "must be hexadecimal string (not X)" in that case.

Split from #13420

Tree-SHA512: f0786b41c0d7793ff76e4b2bb35547873070bbf7561d510029e8edb93f59176277efcd4d183b3185532ea69fc0bbbf3dbe9e19362e8017007ae9d51266cd78ae

Backport of Core

Depends on D5292

Test Plan: ninja check ninja check-functional

Reviewers: O1 Bitcoin ABC, #bitcoin_abc, Fabien

Reviewed By: O1 Bitcoin ABC, #bitcoin_abc, Fabien

Subscribers: Fabien

Differential Revision:

ABC cherry-picker: Nico Guiton

Merge request reports