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Resolving Issue 37: Hard Purge abc references from project, including filenames where possible

So I took the issue #37 (closed) seriously and hard-purged all ABC references, where possible.

  • A lot of filenames with "abc" parts changed to "bcn" - mostly tests.

  • There was some stuff - like "teamcity" in the contrib folder that BCHN project does not use, but it would be unwise to delete them immediately, so instead I moved them to a new folder ".legacy" in the project root. We can decide what to do with them later.

  • Also removed or changed install/contrib documentation that is incompatibile with BCHN project. Added few #TODOs where it would be impossible to fix branding myself (for example seed servers like TODOs are also in commit messages for easier detection.

  • Changed git/gitian URLs to corresponding BCHN ones.

Everything pre-builds, builds, tests and extended-tests with the changes.

Normal tests results: test01.txt

Extended tests results: test02.txt

Closes #37 (closed)

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