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Make class CAutoFile move-assignable and move-constructible


We make CAutoFile be move-assignable and move-constructible. Upon moving, ownership is transferred from the moved-from object (which becomes .IsNull()) to the moved-to object. The moved-to object is then responsible for closing the file (if any) on destruction.

This is similar to how std::unique_ptr works and is a common C++ idiom. Since this class is semantically a unique_ptr that has extra serialization stream smarts, it might be useful to be able to move-assign and/or move-construct it, and return it from e.g. utility functions.

The motivation for this change is that this move-assign/move-construct behavior may be needed in a future MR.

A unit test was added to test this new feature of the class.

Test Plan

  • ninja all check-all

Merge request reports