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  • Søren Bredlund Caspersen's avatar
    [doc] Fix the ordered list in · 11a38ce2
    Søren Bredlund Caspersen authored and freetrader's avatar freetrader committed
    Numbering was broken, starting over again and again, instead of going from 1 to 9.
    This should make the ordered list in `` render correctly with `mkdocs`.
    Test plan
    Make sure you have `mkdocs` and `mkdocs-material` installed (`pip install mkdocs` and `pip install mkdocs-material` - adjust per your installation / distribution)
    Go to your working area root folder, and run the doc deployment prep commands from `.gitlab-ci.yml`:
    mkdir files-for-mkdocs
    (cd files-for-mkdocs ; ln -s ../* . ; rm -rf files-for-mkdocs)
    rm -f files-for-mkdocs/{depends,src}
    tar cf - $(find src depends -name \*.md) | ( cd files-for-mkdocs ; tar xf - )
    tar cf - src/chainparams.cpp src/crypto/sha256_sse4.cpp src/interfaces/*.h src/qt/intro.cpp src/univalue/COPYING | ( cd files-for-mkdocs ; tar xf - )
    rm -f files-for-mkdocs/doc/
    mkdocs build
    Then run `mkdocs serve` and browse to
    to take a look at the rendered document (and compare to previous
    version using the same doc building procedure on `master` before this change)
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