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feat: ingress-nginx deployment

Laurent Marchelli requested to merge develop into master
  • Dashboard is now also available with ingress-nginx: "https://dashboard.{{ kubernetes_cluster_fqdn }}:8443"

  • K8SCLUSTER_FQDN environment variable added to allow kubernetes_cluster_fqdn customization inside Vagrant cluster.

  • template directory structure changed :

    • [/variant]//*.yml.ori
    • [/variant]//*.yml.j2
  • manifests directory structure changed :

    • manifests///*.yml
  • dashboard template add :

    • templates/dashboard/v2.1.0/.yml.
  • ingress-nginx templates add :

    • templates/ingress/nginx/controller-v0.34.1/.yml.
    • templates/ingress/nginx/ingress-nginx-3.15.2/.yml.

Merge request reports