Automaticly Tag RAW-TIFF with Metadata from Logbook
1. Images and Imagemetadata are seperated.
The Images are created as RAW-TIFF File.
The Metadata is created in the Logbook App and exported as json.
Merging the Data
The exiftool inherits a feature where metadata stored in json format can be merged with an exif capable file.
exiftool -json=picture.json picture.jpg
It is also capable of merging multiple files with correct formated json containing the filename as
"FileName": "raw0001.tif",
exiftool.exe -json=metadata.json *
Unfortunaly the exported json from Logbook is not in an exif conform way which results in Problem 2.
Export exifdata of multiple images to json:
exiftool.exe -json imagefolder/
2. Metadata is stored in a non Exif conform way
Tags and Taginformation of the Logbook-JSON file are not created with Exif standard tag names or datatypes
Compairing Logbook tags with exif Standard Values:
exif standard source:
logbook source: 030_tmax_Kodak_T-MAX_400_400_Gs-1.json
Logbook | Format | Datatype (JSON) | EXIF | Format | Datatype* |
date | %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:S%Z | String | DateTimeOriginal | YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS | ASCII |
exposure_time | seconds | Number | ExposureTime |
Seconds | SRATIONAL |
exposure_time_str | human readable fractional seconds | String | NONE | NONE | NONE |
fnumber | n where n is from f/n | Number | FNumber |
n where n is from f/n | RATIONAL |
focal_length | in mm | Number | FocalLength | mm | RATIONAL |
latiude | decimal degree | Number | GPSLatitude | three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively | RATIONAL |
GPSLatitudeRef | Indicates whether the latitude is north or south latitude. The ASCII value 'N' indicates north latitude, and 'S' is south latitude. | ASCII | |||
longitude | decimal degree | Number | GPSLongitude | three RATIONAL values giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds, respectively | RATIONAL |
GPSLongitudeRef | Indicates whether the longitude is east or west longitude. ASCII 'E' indicates east longitude, and 'W' is west longitude. | ASCII | |||
lens_make | text | String | Not standardized | Not standardized | Not standardized |
lens_model | text | String | Not standardized | Not standardized | Not standardized |
lens_nickname | text | String | Not standardized | Not standardized | Not standardized |
notes | text | String | UserComment or ImageDescription | Text | UNDEFINED or ASCII |
shot_number | integer number | Number | Not standardized | Not standardized | Not standardized |
Type The following types are used in Exif:
1 = BYTE An 8-bit unsigned integer.,
2 = ASCII An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code. The final byte is terminated with NULL.,
3 = SHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer,
4 = LONG A 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer,
5 = RATIONAL Two LONGs. The first LONG is the numerator and the second LONG expresses the denominator.,
7 = UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition,
9 = SLONG A 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer (2's complement notation),
10 = SRATIONAL Two SLONGs. The first SLONG is the numerator and the second SLONG is the denominator.
The AV (Aperture Value) is an expression that tells how many stops away from f/1 an aperture is.
Since f/1 is zero distance from f/1, it has an AV of zero (0) Since f/1.4 is one stop slower than f/1, it has an AV of one (1) Since f/2 is two stops away from f/1, it has an AV of two (2) Since f/2.8 is three stops from f/1, its AV is three (3) ... and so on.
Analog to AperatureValue
3. JSON Structure
Logbook creates a nested JSON where information about film, camera and an array containing the individual shot information is stored
"box_iso" : 400,
"camera_make" : "Bronica",
"camera_model" : "Gs-1",
"camera_nick" : "Gs-1",
"film name" : "Kodak T-MAX 400",
"load_date" : "2021-08-21T10:40:00Z",
"roll_name" : "030_tmax",
"shot_iso" : 400,
"shots" : [
"address" : "Dahme",
"aperture_str" : "f:5.6",
"bellows_extension_cmp" : 0,
"date" : "2021-08-21T10:52:26Z",
"exposure_time" : 0.0040000000000000001,
"exposure_time_str" : "ss: 250",
"fnumber" : 5.5999999046325684,
"focal_length" : 150,
"focal_length_str" : "150mm",
"latitude" : 52.349065039474667,
"lens_make" : "Bronica",
"lens_model" : "Zenzanon-Pg 150\/4",
"lens_nickname" : "Pg 150\/4",
"longitude" : 13.635195315743191,
"notes" : "",
"shot_number" : 1
This opposes th format the exiftool fe. requieres which is a not nested redundant JSON on exp- or import
"SourceFile": "./raw0001.tif",
"ExifToolVersion": 12.30,
"FileName": "raw0001.tif",
"Directory": ".",
"FileSize": "6.7 MiB",
"FileModifyDate": "2021:09:08 00:32:40+02:00",
"FileAccessDate": "2021:09:11 15:52:58+02:00",
"FileCreateDate": "2021:09:07 22:11:57+02:00",
"FilePermissions": "-rw-rw-rw-",
"FileType": "TIFF",
"FileTypeExtension": "tif",
"MIMEType": "image/tiff",
"ExifByteOrder": "Little-endian (Intel, II)",
"SubfileType": "Full-resolution image",
"ImageWidth": 1520,
"ImageHeight": 2320,
"BitsPerSample": 16,
"Compression": "Uncompressed",
"PhotometricInterpretation": "BlackIsZero",
"FillOrder": "Normal",
"Make": "Praktica",
"Model": "DTL-3",
Write a Script for translating Logbook-Json to exif/exiftool-json