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  • Andrew Danger Lyon's avatar
    moving models from basis/bundle/models and cost algo from basis/bundle/costs... · 4d75ffa7
    Andrew Danger Lyon authored
    moving models from basis/bundle/models and cost algo from basis/bundle/costs to here. updated user, costs, cost_tag, company, member, wamortization to use new basis_model!{} macro, and starting to integrate the VF classes (so far just agent/agentrelationship) where it makes sense. feel lik im making good progress, although the tricky part of modeling is coming up, figuring our how vf/products/labor/costs all intermingle in a way that is idiomatic vf without sacrificing the abilities of the system. looking forward to how this will play out, and ultimately excited to have a pure version of the system that isnt tied to a storage medium. should make hopping between chains easier. its really nice to get fully back into the rust type system as well, since the protobufs really kind of messed with my head (having to use the date `0` instead of an Option<DateTime<Utc>> for isntance, which is clunky and horrible and incorrect. i dont know how basis-core and protobufs are going to play together in the future (maybe some kind of derive macro) but for now going to just pretend they dont exist.
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