Mainstream software is so broken and the organizations that develop it so untrustworthy that we are reaching a breaking point.
Once imagined as a space of liberation, the internet today is a rabble of corporate monopolies, oppressive governments and hate mobs. Much of its empowering potential has faded or been trampled. But perhaps there is a way forward.
So you want to run your own internet services? Email, chat, VoIP, web sites, file synchronisation, wikis, blogs, social networks, media hosting, backups, VPN. Freedombone is a home server system which enables you to self-host all of these things.
Freedombone is a home server system which enables you to run your own internet services, individually or as a household. It includes all of the things you'd expect such as email, chat, VoIP, wikis, blogs, social networks, and more. You can run Freedombone on an old laptop or single board computer. You can also run it on an onion address. Reclaim the internet, one server at a time.
You can run Freedombone on an old laptop, a single board computer, or use it to set up a mesh network in your local area.
<pclass="headertext">Your Data. Your Server. Your Place.</p>
<pclass="headertext">Your Data. Your Server. Your Place.</p>
Once imagined as a space of liberation, the internet today is increasingly characterized by monopoly corporations, shutdowns and oppressive or manipulative agendas. The idea that technology could empowerindividuals and communities to determine their future has been utterly crushed and treated with derision.</p>
Once imagined as a space of liberation, the internet today is a rabble of corporate monopolies, oppressive governments and hate mobs. Much of its empowering potential has faded or been trampled. But perhaps there is a way forward.</p>
But perhaps there is another way.</p>
Freedombone is a home server system which enables you to run your own internet services, individually or as a household. It includes all of the things you'd expect such as email, chat, VoIP, wikis, blogs, social networks, and more. You can run Freedombone on an old laptop or single board computer. You can also run it on an onion address. Reclaim the internet, one server at a time.
Freedombone is a home server system which enables you to run your own internet services, individually or as a household. It includes all of the things you'd expect such as email, chat, VoIP, wikis, blogs, social networks, and more. You can run Freedombone on an old laptop or single board computer. You can also run it on an onion address.