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Refactor simple grid component to make it fit to the selectRowModal uses

Jérémie Pardou requested to merge 1120-refactor-simple-grid-component into develop

This MR lays the foundation for a reusable agnostic simple grid component. The SimpleGrid component was designed for import feature but it's now suable for SelectRowModal. Next step could be to make it work for other grid like the User/Group CrudTable component.

To test it you should see no negative visual differences for the select row modal and the import file modal with the previous version.

I've also added a hidden page like the style-guide but to test big components like this : http://localhost:3000/storybook

And also added few UX improvements from José mockups visible on the issue.

Merge Request Checklist

Related to #1120 (closed)

Edited by Jérémie Pardou

Merge request reports