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Fix undo/redo shortcut not working after clicking on buttons.

Nigel Gott requested to merge undo-redo-fix-shortcut-after-button-press into develop

Testing notes

On develop:

  1. Do an action which can be undone
  2. Edit a field and click "change" (not yet undoable until the other MR is merged)
  3. Press undo
  4. Observe that nothing gets undone.

On this branch:

  1. Do an action which can be undone
  2. Edit a field and click "change" (not yet undoable until the other MR is merged)
  3. Press undo
  4. Observe that now the undo works
  • Can still edit text boxes / textareas and press undo and have the browser based undo work.
  • Can still edit our own custom editable dom elements (rename a view/group/table/application and press undo whilst the cursor is blinking, the edit should be undone by the browser with no popup until you click out of the edit mode)
Edited by Nigel Gott

Merge request reports