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Fix subsystem deployment

Devcurmudgeon requested to merge pull/215/edcragg/fix-subsystem-deployment into master

Created by: nuxeh

This fixes

When a subsystem is deployed, ybd rewrites the 'location' parameter of the subsystem in the cluster definition such that it is prefixed with the path of the temporary deployment directory for the containing system, so that it is deployed into the containing system's unpacked tree.

Instead, ybd it prefixed the strings 'location' and 'upgrade-location' with this path, producing an incorrect path for the subsystem deployment. As a result, subsystems which are referred back to, in this case the initramfs subsystem, are not found, in this case producing the following error:

Failure to deploy system to genivi-demo-platform-x86_64-generic.img
ERROR: INITRAMFS_PATH specified, but file does not exist
16-04-29 00:02:17 [0/14/129] [base-system-x86_64-generic] ERROR: write extension failed: /home/ed/ybd-dev/definitions/extensions/rawdisk.write
16-04-29 00:02:17 [0/14/129] [base-system-x86_64-generic] ERROR: a surprise exception happened

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