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Lexicographic ordering of id gerenation (base62) is tested for various year...

Hakan Barisik requested to merge hbarisik/barrel:fix/lexicographic_order_tsts into p2

Lexicographic ordering of id gerenation (base62) is tested for various year combinations. There are test failing for some past periods. However, as the IDs will be generated for the future date combinations only, we think it is safe to use barrel_id functions.

Lexicographic ordering tests: If the id generation was requested in 1975 there would be an issue. Lexicographic ordering between 1970 and 1975 would be broken. Also;

Lexicographic ordering of IDs between 1970 and 1974 is NOT fine. Lexicographic ordering of IDs between 1970 and 1984 is NOT fine. Lexicographic ordering of IDs between 1970 and 1985 is fine. Lexicographic ordering of IDs between 1980 and 1984 is fine.

These findings motivated us to create year pair combination tests (at least for period covering 2019-2284 ). The pair combination (t1, t0 where t1> t0 condition holds) tests all passed.

Therefore, we think it is safe to use barrel_id functions.

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