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Resolve "Math Formulas Do Not Render Correctly in Docs"

Joshua Whitley requested to merge 554-fix-math-formula-rendering into master

Closes #554 (closed)

Unfortunately, this is kind of impossible to test without the pages being hosted on a server that is providing them over HTTPS. That being said, if you render them locally, you'll see the formulas correctly and if you go to a page on that has formulas, the formulas won't be parsed correctly and you'll receive the following error in the Chrome debug console:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

In addition to this being an HTTP/HTTPS problem, the CDN that we were using has been retired (see for details) so this replaces the CDN with another that is hosted over HTTPS.

Merge request reports