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recordreplay_planner: fix bounding box visualization


  • fix bounding box vizualization

This is related to !534 (merged) , where the definition of variables is changed to avoid the memory allocation error (over max size for bounding box (=256)).

The changes have not been applied to the visualization. This MR fix that.

Before: image

After: image

Notes for Reviewer

How to check

# run LGSVL

# launch MS2.launch
ros2 launch autoware_auto_avp_demo

# launch recordreplay_planner
ros2 launch recordreplay_planner_node

# record path 
ros2 action send_goal /planning/recordtrajectory recordreplay_planner_actions/action/RecordTrajectory "{record_path: "/tmp/path"}" --feedback

# stop record (Ctrl+c)
# then, go back to start position

# replay path
ros2 action send_goal /planning/replaytrajectory recordreplay_planner_actions/action/ReplayTrajectory "{replay_path: "/tmp/path"}" --feedback

# move the vehicle, and check the bounding box visualization.

Note: The bounding box is only visualized when the global frame is odom due to TF time error.

Merge request reports