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Processing projected line profile, improvements

Ida requested to merge idahj/atomap:InterfacePlaneFinding into master

The method for projecting line profiles has been improved

  1. For vertical and near vertical projections the previous method for fitting the interface line with numpy.polyfit was not robust or accurate. The new method uses orthogonal distance regression, which gives better results for near-vertical lines.
  2. In the method, the interface plane is now only represented with the analytical expression (equation for a linear line). Shortest distance from point to line is found by calculating an equation. This should be slightly less memory-consuming.
  3. Docstrings are made for the elemental functions.
  4. Some unit tests are also made for _get_property_line_profile.
  5. The method for sorting atoms into monolayers as function of distance to a line is improved. The last layer was previously not included.

Merge request reports