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refactor(asuran-chunker): Replace SmallRng with ChaCha20 and use a precomputed table for buzhash
SmallRng is replaced with ChaCha20 because the rand documentation recommends against it for reproducible results.
To get an even distribution in the buzhash table a precomputed table is used. To prevent fingerprinting this table is xored with an random value. The table is generated with the following program:
use intbits::Bits;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use rand::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng;
fn main() {
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64(1337);
// Number of entries to generate
let count = 256;
// Fill a vector with count elements with half zeroes and half ones
let mut init = vec![false; count];
for i in 0..(count / 2) {
init[i] = true;
// Generate look up table
let mut buztbl = vec![0u64; count];
for i in 0..64 {
init.shuffle(&mut rng);
for j in 0..count {
buztbl[j].set_bit(i, init[j]);
//Check if we have duplicates
assert_eq!(buztbl.len(), count);
buztbl.shuffle(&mut rng);
println!("const TABLE: [u64; 256] = [");
for (c, i) in buztbl.iter().enumerate() {
let mut a = format!("{:#018x}, ", i);
a.insert(6, '_');
a.insert(11, '_');
a.insert(16, '_');
if c % 4 == 0 {
print!(" ");
print!("{}", a);
if c % 4 == 3 {
BREAKING CHANGE: Buzhash may create different chunks compared to the previous version
Closes #50 (closed)
Edited by snsmac