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Fixed #217 - Upgraded owasp:dependency-check (3.1.2 instead of 3.1.1)

Matthieu FAURE requested to merge github/fork/Tyraelium/fix217 into develop

Created by: Tyraelium

I verified my work is based on develop branch

  • yes, keep going

Purpose of this Pull Request?

Modification of the version of dependency-check-maven in the pom.xml

Where should the reviewer start its review?

There is only one modification in the pom.xml so the review will be fast.

How the PR could be tested?

Try to "mvn install" in cmd to see if maven can build the project and "mvn dependency-check:aggregate"

Any background context you want to provide?

I don't understand the question

What are the related issues?

issue #217 (closed)

Screenshots (if appropriate)

It's not appropriate

(by the way, thank you very much for contributing to Asqatasun!)

Merge request reports