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GUI indexing and status bar.

Mads-Peter Verner Christiansen requested to merge gui_update into master

MR has two updates to the GUI.

First has to do with image indexing. The GUI shows image index / number in a number of places:

  • At the top of the main GUI window e.g. data.traj@X
  • In the lower right corner of the GUI window e.g. X+1/Y+1
  • In the movie window e.g. Image number X+1.
  • On the axis of the graphs window.
  • In the Quick Info window e.g Image X loaded (0-Y)

This MR fixes a personal annoyance, which is that the movie window uses 1-indexing whereas most of the others use 0-indexing, which is especially annoying when also looking at the graph window. With these changes the movie window uses 0-indexing - leaving only X+1/Y+1 in the corner of the main window using 1-indexing because that also says something about the total number of images where 0/9 might be a confusing way of saying there's 10 images (?).

All five of these image numbers now use 0-indexing, with the one in the main window saying X/len(images) so it will maximally go to len(images)-1/len(images) corresponding to a half-open range [0, len(images)).

Secondly, I have added such that the status bar at the bottom of the main GUI window shows the energy and max force if no atoms are selected and these properties are available.

Haven't added any new tests for these changes as they only change how things are displayed with no new functionality.


Edited by Mads-Peter Verner Christiansen

Merge request reports