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MAINT: Run `calculators` pipeline nightly (scheduled) + Enable `windows_test` manually

Yuji Ikeda requested to merge yuzie007/ase:schedule-calculators-pipeline into master


This MR is motivated by the CP2K related issue in #1354 (closed) and !3112 (merged).

For heavy DFT calculators, CI pipelines are by default turned off. To run this, so far we need to manually turn on the pipeline, which however most contributors will not do. When introducing some changes in such calculators, however, it is still nice to do CI tests at least occasionally, so that we can notice potential introduced errors.

This MR addresses this. Based on, I modified .gitlab-ci.yml so that calculators pipeline runs every night as a scheduled pipeline. I confirmed this works in my forked repository.

I also modify windows_test so that we can run it manually when necessary (in addition to the present scheduled run.)

Merge request reports