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Double check of the kpoints refactoring done last hackathon


This is a first and very small step to progress with issue #1340. It turned out most work on the kpoints front was already done last March by @askhl . Further back, there was a different approach with a new kpoints writer by @martin-schlipf (!2588) and later I tried to extend this using some of Adam Jacksons work in !2865.

While I think it would be nice to also be able to write in VASPs line mode for bandstructures or generalized regular meshes, it is much more likely that the ASE-internal machinery for BandPaths is used. (I am not sure if there are generalized meshes available, but then, also in that case, a list of kpoints with weigths can be passed to the current writer).

Further work might be necessary after review and I am happy to work on that.

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