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Add wyckoff analysis/generation code

Seán Kavanagh requested to merge kavanase/ase:master into master

This is a pull request to add the Wyckoff analysis and generation code originally authored by @schinavro in !1035 (closed), with a fix for space group 230.

From the original (closed) merge request:

This code is basically a python version of RandSpg: “RandSpg: An Open-Source Program for Generating Atomistic Crystal Structures with Specific Spacegroups.” Computer Physics Communications 213 (2017): 208–16.

`wyckpos.dat` contains the information of Wyckoff positions. `` reads the `wyckpos.dat` and stores the information user needed. `` is a simmilar code with `` but generate the crystal using Wyckoff position.

I have tested various cases of crystal generation and compared with Spacegroup module. It matches very well.

This code is quite useful for our defects research, and I would like to use this code in our defects modelling package (, so it would be great if it was implemented in ase and we could use it as a dependency! 😄

Merge request reports