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Implement Root-style Reputation Tracks

Simone Miraglia requested to merge n1xx1/pbta:master into master

I implemented something similar to Root's RPG reputation tracks. Basically it tracks 3 values, the actual bonus you get (.value) and two other values (.negative.value and .positive.value) that represent how close you are from changing the actual bonus. It's marked as draft because I didn't handle the diffing yet, and maybe something else I forgot.



In Root it works like this: you have a Reputation (.value), Notoriety (.negative.value) and Prestige (.positive.value). Basically Notoriety and Prestige are two clocks that go in different direction. Every time you reach a certain threshold with your Notoriety/Prestige you increase/decrease the Reputation, and clear the Notoriety/Prestige. This threshold depends on the actual Reputation. If the Reputation is 0, then this threshold would be the steps of the Notoriety/Prestige tracks (so 3/5), but, if it is +1, then the thresholds become 3/10, if it's +2 it's 3/15. Likewise if the value is -1 the thresholds are 6/5. This behavior is automated.

The default configuration is:

    type = "Track"
    label = ""
    default = 0
      label = ""
      steps = 3
      max = 3
      default = 0
      label = ""
      steps = 5
      max = 3
      default = 0

Hopefully it's common enough to make it into the system, but to be honest I don't know of any other game that has a similar subsystem.

Also, in Root you have multiple of these tracks for every faction you interact with. So eventually I may make a new pull request to support Lists of Tracks.

Merge request reports