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  • Rick van Rein's avatar
    Issue #2. ASCII Encoding Changes. · d0fc3744
    Rick van Rein authored
    - XON/XOFF were boycotted, but they are useful -- we needed <DC1>/<DC3>
    - The <DCx> codes in ASCII are meant for device-level interaction
    - Moved them away, so device drivers can use these codes
    - This is a serial-friendly modification to the 8-bit clean requirement
    - Applications now have to escape the <DCx> codes as though mulTTY used them
    - <STX> goto child, <ETX> goto parent, <SUB> goto peer, <EOT> terminate
    - Escape definitions/routines are updated accordingly
     - The service name in the diasasl-api-server is "diasasl-demo"
     - Set this by invoking "saltty -s diasasl-demo ..."
     - Will take a note in the Quick-SASL project to fix this