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  • aroffringa/aocommon
1 result
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Commits on Source (17)
with 741 additions and 332 deletions
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ before_script:
- pip3 install gcovr black cmake-format
- pip3 install gcovr black cmake-format isort
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ aocommon:
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-coverage" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-coverage" ../
- make
- cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-coverage -fprofile-update=atomic" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-coverage" ../
- make -j`nproc` runtests
# gcovr to create badge
# This also writes the xml file to enable line coverage highlighting in MRs
- make coverage
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if (NOT xsimd_GIT_TAG)
set(xsimd_GIT_TAG 2f5eddf8912c7e2527f0c50895c7560b964d29af)
if (NOT xtensor_GIT_TAG)
set(xtensor_GIT_TAG 0.24.2)
set(xtensor_GIT_TAG ae52796961d03e7a3d754d72713be5098ce467b9)
if (NOT xtensor-blas_GIT_TAG)
set(xtensor-blas_GIT_TAG 0.20.0)
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED YES)
......@@ -110,10 +111,8 @@ add_custom_command(
COMMAND gcovr --gcov-ignore-parse-errors -r .. -e '.*/tests/.*' -e
'.*/CompilerIdCXX/.*' -e '_deps/.*'
COMMAND gcovr --gcov-ignore-parse-errors -r .. -e '.*/tests/.*' -e
'.*/CompilerIdCXX/.*' -e '_deps/.*' --xml > coverage.xml
COMMAND gcovr -r ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} -e '.*/tests/.*' -e '.*/CompilerIdCXX/.*'
-e '_deps/.*' --txt --xml coverage.xml ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}
DEPENDS execute_runtests)
# CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS does not contain all flags.
......@@ -60,9 +60,14 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET VectorComplexDouble2 Data() const noexcept { return data_; }
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 2);
return data_[index];
return data_.Get(index);
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<double> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 2);
data_.Set(index, value);
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 Conjugate() const noexcept {
......@@ -86,7 +91,8 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
template <typename T>
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator*=(T value) noexcept {
// TODO could use avx
*this = DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2(data_[0] * value, data_[1] * value);
*this = DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2(data_.Get(0) * value,
data_.Get(1) * value);
return *this;
......@@ -99,7 +105,8 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
template <typename T>
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator/=(T value) noexcept {
// TODO could use avx
*this = DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2(data_[0] / value, data_[1] / value);
*this = DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2(data_.Get(0) / value,
data_.Get(1) / value);
return *this;
......@@ -111,8 +118,8 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& output, DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 value) {
output << "[{" << value[0] << ", " << std::complex<double>{} << "}, {"
<< std::complex<double>{} << ", " << value[1] << "}]";
output << "[{" << value.Get(0) << ", " << std::complex<double>{} << "}, {"
<< std::complex<double>{} << ", " << value.Get(1) << "}]";
return output;
......@@ -139,7 +146,7 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
template <typename T>
AVX_TARGET friend DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 operator*(
DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 lhs, T rhs) noexcept {
return VectorComplexDouble2(lhs.data_[0] * rhs, lhs.data_[1] * rhs);
return lhs.data_ * rhs;
template <typename T>
......@@ -151,13 +158,36 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
template <typename T>
AVX_TARGET friend DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 operator/(
DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 lhs, T rhs) noexcept {
return VectorComplexDouble2(lhs.data_[0] / rhs, lhs.data_[1] / rhs);
return VectorComplexDouble2(lhs.data_.Get(0) / rhs, lhs.data_.Get(1) / rhs);
VectorComplexDouble2 data_;
AVX_TARGET inline DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 HermTranspose(
DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return matrix.HermTranspose();
/// @returns the sum of the diagonal elements.
AVX_TARGET inline std::complex<double> Trace(
DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return matrix.Get(0) + matrix.Get(1);
/// @returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
AVX_TARGET inline double Norm(DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return std::norm(matrix.Get(0)) + std::norm(matrix.Get(1));
/// Returns the original diagonal matrix. Can be useful for templated code so
/// that it can be used for both the diagonal and full matrix variants.
AVX_TARGET inline DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 Diagonal(
DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return matrix;
} // namespace aocommon::avx
......@@ -38,15 +38,32 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
const std::complex<float> matrix[2]) noexcept
: data_{VectorComplexFloat2{std::addressof(matrix[0])}} {}
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET const std::complex<float> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 2 && "Index out of bounds.");
return data_[index];
return data_.Get(index);
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<float> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 2 && "Index out of bounds.");
data_.Set(index, value);
AVX_TARGET explicit operator __m128() const noexcept {
return static_cast<__m128>(data_);
template <typename T>
AVX_TARGET friend DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator*(
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 lhs, T rhs) noexcept {
return lhs.data_ * rhs;
AVX_TARGET friend DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator*(
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 lhs,
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
return lhs.data_ * rhs.data_;
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 Conjugate() const noexcept {
return data_.Conjugate();
......@@ -65,6 +82,11 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
return data_ += value.data_;
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2
operator-=(DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 value) noexcept {
return data_ -= value.data_;
AVX_TARGET friend bool operator==(
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 lhs,
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
......@@ -73,8 +95,8 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& output, DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 value) {
output << "[{" << value[0] << ", " << std::complex<float>{} << "}, {"
<< std::complex<float>{} << ", " << value[1] << "}]";
output << "[{" << value.Get(0) << ", " << std::complex<float>{} << "}, {"
<< std::complex<float>{} << ", " << value.Get(1) << "}]";
return output;
......@@ -82,6 +104,29 @@ class DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
VectorComplexFloat2 data_;
AVX_TARGET inline DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 HermTranspose(
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return matrix.HermTranspose();
/// @returns the sum of the diagonal elements.
AVX_TARGET inline std::complex<float> Trace(
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return matrix.Get(0) + matrix.Get(1);
/// @returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
AVX_TARGET inline float Norm(DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return std::norm(matrix.Get(0)) + std::norm(matrix.Get(1));
/// Returns the original diagonal matrix. Can be useful for templated code so
/// that it can be used for both the diagonal and full matrix variants.
AVX_TARGET inline DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 Diagonal(
DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return matrix;
} // namespace aocommon::avx
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET explicit MatrixComplexDouble2x2(
DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 m) noexcept
: MatrixComplexDouble2x2(m[0], 0.0, 0.0, m[1]) {}
: MatrixComplexDouble2x2(m.Get(0), 0.0, 0.0, m.Get(1)) {}
AVX_TARGET explicit MatrixComplexDouble2x2(
const std::complex<float> matrix[4]) noexcept
......@@ -71,11 +71,18 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
: data_{VectorComplexDouble2(matrix[0], matrix[1]),
VectorComplexDouble2(matrix[2], matrix[3])} {}
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 4 && "Index out of bounds.");
size_t array = index / 2;
index %= 2;
return data_[array][index];
return data_[array].Get(index);
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<double> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 4 && "Index out of bounds.");
size_t array = index / 2;
index %= 2;
data_[array].Set(index, value);
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2 Conjugate() const noexcept {
......@@ -85,8 +92,7 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2 Transpose() const noexcept {
// Note the compiler uses intrinsics without assistance.
return MatrixComplexDouble2x2{(*this)[0], (*this)[2], (*this)[1],
return MatrixComplexDouble2x2{Get(0), Get(2), Get(1), Get(3)};
/** @returns A^H * A. */
......@@ -97,10 +103,9 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET bool Invert() noexcept {
VectorComplexDouble2 v =
data_[0] * VectorComplexDouble2{(*this)[3], (*this)[2]};
VectorComplexDouble2 v = data_[0] * VectorComplexDouble2{Get(3), Get(2)};
std::complex<double> d = v[0] - v[1];
std::complex<double> d = v.Get(0) - v.Get(1);
if (d == std::complex<double>{}) return false;
double n = std::norm(d);
......@@ -166,16 +171,15 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator+=(
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 value) noexcept {
data_[0] += value.data_[0];
data_[1] += value.data_[1];
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 rhs) noexcept {
data_[0] += rhs.data_[0];
data_[1] += rhs.data_[1];
return *this;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator-=(
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 value) noexcept {
data_[0] -= value.data_[0];
data_[1] -= value.data_[1];
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator+=(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& rhs) {
*this = *this + rhs;
return *this;
......@@ -184,6 +188,44 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
return lhs += rhs;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2
operator+(const DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& rhs) const {
return MatrixComplexDouble2x2(Get(0) + rhs.Get(0), Get(1), Get(2),
Get(3) + rhs.Get(1));
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexDouble2x2 operator+(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& lhs,
const MatrixComplexDouble2x2& rhs) {
return rhs + lhs;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator-=(
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 rhs) noexcept {
data_[0] -= rhs.data_[0];
data_[1] -= rhs.data_[1];
return *this;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator-=(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& rhs) {
*this = *this - rhs;
return *this;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2
operator-(const DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& rhs) const {
return MatrixComplexDouble2x2(Get(0) - rhs.Get(0), Get(1), Get(2),
Get(3) - rhs.Get(1));
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexDouble2x2 operator-(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2& lhs,
const MatrixComplexDouble2x2& rhs) {
return MatrixComplexDouble2x2(lhs.Get(0) - rhs.Get(0), -rhs.Get(1),
-rhs.Get(2), lhs.Get(1) - rhs.Get(3));
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexDouble2x2 operator-(
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 lhs, MatrixComplexDouble2x2 rhs) noexcept {
return lhs -= rhs;
......@@ -206,23 +248,23 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
// | ls1 | ls2 |
// High:
VectorComplexDouble2 hc1{lhs[0], lhs[0]};
VectorComplexDouble2 hc2{rhs[0], rhs[1]};
VectorComplexDouble2 hc1{lhs.Get(0), lhs.Get(0)};
VectorComplexDouble2 hc2{rhs.Get(0), rhs.Get(1)};
VectorComplexDouble2 hs1 = hc1 * hc2;
VectorComplexDouble2 hc3{lhs[1], lhs[1]};
VectorComplexDouble2 hc4{rhs[2], rhs[3]};
VectorComplexDouble2 hc3{lhs.Get(1), lhs.Get(1)};
VectorComplexDouble2 hc4{rhs.Get(2), rhs.Get(3)};
VectorComplexDouble2 hs2 = hc3 * hc4;
VectorComplexDouble2 hr = hs1 + hs2;
// Low:
VectorComplexDouble2 lc1{lhs[2], lhs[2]};
VectorComplexDouble2 lc2{rhs[0], rhs[1]};
VectorComplexDouble2 lc1{lhs.Get(2), lhs.Get(2)};
VectorComplexDouble2 lc2{rhs.Get(0), rhs.Get(1)};
VectorComplexDouble2 ls1 = lc1 * lc2;
VectorComplexDouble2 lc3{lhs[3], lhs[3]};
VectorComplexDouble2 lc4{rhs[2], rhs[3]};
VectorComplexDouble2 lc3{lhs.Get(3), lhs.Get(3)};
VectorComplexDouble2 lc4{rhs.Get(2), rhs.Get(3)};
VectorComplexDouble2 ls2 = lc3 * lc4;
VectorComplexDouble2 lr = ls1 + ls2;
......@@ -273,7 +315,7 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2 Diagonal() const noexcept {
return DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2(data_[0][0], data_[1][1]);
return DiagonalMatrixComplexDouble2x2(data_[0].Get(0), data_[1].Get(1));
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexDouble2x2 operator*(
......@@ -307,19 +349,19 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
// r[0][1] = d[0][0] * m[0][1] -> lhs[0] * rhs[1]
// r[1][0] = d[1][1] * m[1][0] -> lhs[1] * rhs[2]
// r[1][1] = d[1][1] * m[1][1] -> lhs[1] * rhs[3]
return std::array<VectorComplexDouble2, 2>{lhs.Data()[0] * rhs.data_[0],
lhs.Data()[1] * rhs.data_[1]};
return std::array<VectorComplexDouble2, 2>{
lhs.Data().Get(0) * rhs.data_[0], lhs.Data().Get(1) * rhs.data_[1]};
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator*=(
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 value) noexcept {
*this = *this * value;
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 rhs) noexcept {
*this = *this * rhs;
return *this;
template <typename T>
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator*=(const T* value) noexcept {
*this = *this * MatrixComplexDouble2x2(value);
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexDouble2x2& operator*=(const T* rhs) noexcept {
*this = *this * MatrixComplexDouble2x2(rhs);
return *this;
......@@ -336,8 +378,8 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
MatrixComplexDouble2x2 value) {
output << "[{" << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << "}, {" << value[2] << ", "
<< value[3] << "}]";
output << "[{" << value.Get(0) << ", " << value.Get(1) << "}, {"
<< value.Get(2) << ", " << value.Get(3) << "}]";
return output;
......@@ -349,7 +391,8 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
* Flatten 2x2 matrix to length 4 vector
AVX_TARGET Vector4 Vec() const {
return Vector4(data_[0][0], data_[1][0], data_[0][1], data_[1][1]);
return Vector4(data_[0].Get(0), data_[1].Get(0), data_[0].Get(1),
......@@ -377,8 +420,8 @@ class MatrixComplexDouble2x2 {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> DoubleDot(MatrixComplexDouble2x2 rhs) const {
return (*this)[0] * rhs[0] + (*this)[1] * rhs[1] + (*this)[2] * rhs[2] +
(*this)[3] * rhs[3];
return Get(0) * rhs.Get(0) + Get(1) * rhs.Get(1) + Get(2) * rhs.Get(2) +
Get(3) * rhs.Get(3);
/// Element-wise product
......@@ -483,6 +526,11 @@ AVX_TARGET inline double Norm(MatrixComplexDouble2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return ret[0];
AVX_TARGET inline double SumOfAbsolute(MatrixComplexDouble2x2 matrix) {
return std::abs(matrix.Get(0)) + std::abs(matrix.Get(1)) +
std::abs(matrix.Get(2)) + std::abs(matrix.Get(3));
} // namespace aocommon::avx
......@@ -53,9 +53,14 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET explicit MatrixComplexFloat2x2(
const MatrixComplexDouble2x2& matrix) noexcept;
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET const std::complex<float> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 4 && "Index out of bounds.");
return data_[index];
return data_.Get(index);
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<float> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 4 && "Index out of bounds.");
data_.Set(index, value);
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2 Conjugate() const noexcept {
......@@ -64,7 +69,8 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2 Transpose() const noexcept {
// Note the compiler uses intrinsics without assistance.
return MatrixComplexFloat2x2{data_[0], data_[2], data_[1], data_[3]};
return MatrixComplexFloat2x2{data_.Get(0), data_.Get(2), data_.Get(1),
AVX_TARGET explicit operator __m256() const noexcept {
......@@ -113,31 +119,69 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator+(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 lhs, MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
return lhs += rhs;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2
operator+(const DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2& rhs) const {
return MatrixComplexFloat2x2(Get(0) + rhs.Get(0), Get(1), Get(2),
Get(3) + rhs.Get(1));
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator+(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2& lhs,
const MatrixComplexFloat2x2& rhs) {
return MatrixComplexFloat2x2(lhs.Get(0) + rhs.Get(0), rhs.Get(1),
rhs.Get(2), lhs.Get(1) + rhs.Get(3));
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator+=(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 value) noexcept {
data_ += value.data_;
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
data_ += rhs.data_;
return *this;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator-=(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 value) noexcept {
data_ -= value.data_;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator+=(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2& rhs) {
*this = *this + rhs;
return *this;
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator+(
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator-(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 lhs, MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
return lhs += rhs;
return lhs -= rhs;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2
operator-(const DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2& rhs) const {
return MatrixComplexFloat2x2(Get(0) - rhs.Get(0), Get(1), Get(2),
Get(3) - rhs.Get(1));
AVX_TARGET friend MatrixComplexFloat2x2 operator-(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 lhs, MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
return lhs -= rhs;
const DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2& lhs,
const MatrixComplexFloat2x2& rhs) {
return MatrixComplexFloat2x2(lhs.Get(0) - rhs.Get(0), -rhs.Get(1),
-rhs.Get(2), lhs.Get(1) - rhs.Get(3));
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator-=(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
data_ -= rhs.data_;
return *this;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator-=(
const DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2& rhs) {
*this = *this - rhs;
return *this;
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator*=(
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 value) noexcept {
data_ = data_ * value.data_;
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) noexcept {
data_ = data_ * rhs.data_;
return *this;
......@@ -152,12 +196,12 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
// | s1 | s2 |
VectorComplexFloat4 c1{lhs[0], lhs[0], lhs[2], lhs[2]};
VectorComplexFloat4 c2{rhs[0], rhs[1], rhs[0], rhs[1]};
VectorComplexFloat4 c1{lhs.Get(0), lhs.Get(0), lhs.Get(2), lhs.Get(2)};
VectorComplexFloat4 c2{rhs.Get(0), rhs.Get(1), rhs.Get(0), rhs.Get(1)};
VectorComplexFloat4 s1 = c1 * c2;
VectorComplexFloat4 c3{lhs[1], lhs[1], lhs[3], lhs[3]};
VectorComplexFloat4 c4{rhs[2], rhs[3], rhs[2], rhs[3]};
VectorComplexFloat4 c3{lhs.Get(1), lhs.Get(1), lhs.Get(3), lhs.Get(3)};
VectorComplexFloat4 c4{rhs.Get(2), rhs.Get(3), rhs.Get(2), rhs.Get(3)};
VectorComplexFloat4 s2 = c3 * c4;
return s1 + s2;
......@@ -174,19 +218,19 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET DiagonalMatrixComplexFloat2x2 Diagonal() const noexcept {
return VectorComplexFloat2{data_[0], data_[3]};
return VectorComplexFloat2{data_.Get(0), data_.Get(3)};
AVX_TARGET bool Invert() noexcept {
// Note it would be possible to optimize further.
VectorComplexFloat2 a{data_[0], data_[1]};
VectorComplexFloat2 b{data_[3], data_[2]};
VectorComplexFloat2 a{data_.Get(0), data_.Get(1)};
VectorComplexFloat2 b{data_.Get(3), data_.Get(2)};
VectorComplexFloat2 c = a * b;
std::complex<float> d = c[0] - c[1];
std::complex<float> d = c.Get(0) - c.Get(1);
if (d == std::complex<float>{}) return false;
float n = std::norm(d);
const float n = std::norm(d);
__m256 reciprocal = _mm256_setr_ps(d.real(), d.imag(), d.real(), d.imag(),
d.real(), d.imag(), d.real(), d.imag());
......@@ -254,8 +298,8 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
MatrixComplexFloat2x2 value) {
output << "[{" << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << "}, {" << value[2] << ", "
<< value[3] << "}]";
output << "[{" << value.Get(0) << ", " << value.Get(1) << "}, {"
<< value.Get(2) << ", " << value.Get(3) << "}]";
return output;
......@@ -266,8 +310,8 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
template <typename Scalar>
AVX_TARGET MatrixComplexFloat2x2& operator/=(Scalar scalar) {
// TODO could be explicitly vectorized
data_ = VectorComplexFloat4(data_[0] / scalar, data_[1] / scalar,
data_[2] / scalar, data_[3] / scalar);
data_ = VectorComplexFloat4(data_.Get(0) / scalar, data_.Get(1) / scalar,
data_.Get(2) / scalar, data_.Get(3) / scalar);
return *this;
......@@ -279,8 +323,8 @@ class MatrixComplexFloat2x2 {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> DoubleDot(MatrixComplexFloat2x2 rhs) const {
return (*this)[0] * rhs[0] + (*this)[1] * rhs[1] + (*this)[2] * rhs[2] +
(*this)[3] * rhs[3];
return (*this).Get(0) * rhs.Get(0) + (*this).Get(1) * rhs.Get(1) +
(*this).Get(2) * rhs.Get(2) + (*this).Get(3) * rhs.Get(3);
......@@ -393,6 +437,11 @@ AVX_TARGET inline float Norm(MatrixComplexFloat2x2 matrix) noexcept {
return ret[0] + ret[1];
AVX_TARGET inline float SumOfAbsolute(MatrixComplexFloat2x2 matrix) {
return std::abs(matrix.Get(0)) + std::abs(matrix.Get(1)) +
std::abs(matrix.Get(2)) + std::abs(matrix.Get(3));
} // namespace aocommon::avx
......@@ -52,11 +52,21 @@ class VectorComplexDouble2 {
: data_{VectorDouble4{
reinterpret_cast<const double*>(std::addressof(vector[0]))}} {}
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<double> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 2 && "Index out of bounds.");
return {data_[2 * index], data_[2 * index + 1]};
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<double> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 2 && "Index out of bounds.");
if (index == 0)
data_ = VectorDouble4(value.real(), value.imag(), Get(1).real(),
data_ = VectorDouble4(Get(0).real(), Get(0).imag(), value.real(),
AVX_TARGET explicit operator __m256d() const noexcept {
return data_.Value();
......@@ -74,9 +84,9 @@ class VectorComplexDouble2 {
AVX_TARGET void AssignTo(std::complex<float>* destination) const noexcept {
std::complex<double> values[4];
std::complex<double> values[2];
std::copy_n(values, 4, destination);
std::copy_n(values, 2, destination);
AVX_TARGET static VectorComplexDouble2 Zero() noexcept {
......@@ -84,14 +94,14 @@ class VectorComplexDouble2 {
AVX_TARGET VectorComplexDouble2& operator+=(
VectorComplexDouble2 value) noexcept {
data_ += value.data_;
VectorComplexDouble2 rhs) noexcept {
data_ += rhs.data_;
return *this;
AVX_TARGET VectorComplexDouble2& operator-=(
VectorComplexDouble2 value) noexcept {
data_ -= value.data_;
VectorComplexDouble2 rhs) noexcept {
data_ -= rhs.data_;
return *this;
......@@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ class VectorComplexDouble2 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
VectorComplexDouble2 value) {
output << '[' << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << ']';
output << '[' << value.Get(0) << ", " << value.Get(1) << ']';
return output;
......@@ -39,11 +39,21 @@ class VectorComplexFloat2 {
: data_{VectorFloat4{
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(std::addressof(vector[0]))}} {}
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 2 && "Index out of bounds.");
return {data_[2 * index], data_[2 * index + 1]};
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<float> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 2 && "Index out of bounds.");
if (index == 0)
data_ = VectorFloat4(value.real(), value.imag(), Get(1).real(),
data_ = VectorFloat4(Get(0).real(), Get(0).imag(), value.real(),
AVX_TARGET explicit operator __m128() const noexcept { return data_.Value(); }
AVX_TARGET VectorComplexFloat2 Conjugate() const noexcept {
......@@ -152,7 +162,7 @@ class VectorComplexFloat2 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
VectorComplexFloat2 value) {
output << '[' << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << ']';
output << '[' << value.Get(0) << ", " << value.Get(1) << ']';
return output;
......@@ -50,11 +50,29 @@ class VectorComplexFloat4 {
: data_{VectorFloat8{
reinterpret_cast<const double*>(std::addressof(vector[0]))}} {}
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
AVX_TARGET std::complex<float> Get(size_t index) const noexcept {
assert(index < 4 && "Index out of bounds.");
return {data_[2 * index], data_[2 * index + 1]};
AVX_TARGET void Set(size_t index, std::complex<float> value) noexcept {
assert(index < 4 && "Index out of bounds.");
switch (index) {
case 0:
*this = VectorComplexFloat4(value, Get(1), Get(2), Get(3));
case 1:
*this = VectorComplexFloat4(Get(0), value, Get(2), Get(3));
case 2:
*this = VectorComplexFloat4(Get(0), Get(1), value, Get(3));
case 3:
*this = VectorComplexFloat4(Get(0), Get(1), Get(2), value);
AVX_TARGET explicit operator __m256() const noexcept { return data_.Value(); }
AVX_TARGET VectorComplexFloat4 Conjugate() const noexcept {
......@@ -169,8 +187,8 @@ class VectorComplexFloat4 {
AVX_TARGET friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
VectorComplexFloat4 value) {
output << '[' << value[0] << ", " << value[1] << ", " << value[2] << ", "
<< value[3] << ']';
output << '[' << value.Get(0) << ", " << value.Get(1) << ", "
<< value.Get(2) << ", " << value.Get(3) << ']';
return output;
......@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ class FitsReader : public FitsBase {
for (int i = 0; i != naxis; ++i) firstPixel[i] = 1;
if (naxis > 2) firstPixel[2] = index + 1;
if (sizeof(NumType) == 8)
if constexpr (sizeof(NumType) == 8)
fits_read_pix(_fitsPtr, TDOUBLE, &firstPixel[0],
_meta.imgWidth * _meta.imgHeight, nullptr, image, nullptr,
else if (sizeof(NumType) == 4)
else if constexpr (sizeof(NumType) == 4)
fits_read_pix(_fitsPtr, TFLOAT, &firstPixel[0],
_meta.imgWidth * _meta.imgHeight, nullptr, image, nullptr,
......@@ -245,20 +245,20 @@ class HMatrix4x4 {
HMatrix4x4 result;
// top left submatrix
result._data[0] = (hma[0] * hmb[0]).real();
result.SetComplex(1, hma[0] * hmb[2]);
result._data[3] = (hma[0] * hmb[3]).real();
result._data[0] = (hma.Get(0) * hmb.Get(0)).real();
result.SetComplex(1, hma.Get(0) * hmb.Get(2));
result._data[3] = (hma.Get(0) * hmb.Get(3)).real();
// bottom left submatrix
result.SetComplex(4, hma[2] * hmb[0]);
result.SetComplex(6, hma[2] * hmb[1]);
result.SetComplex(9, hma[2] * hmb[2]);
result.SetComplex(11, hma[2] * hmb[3]);
result.SetComplex(4, hma.Get(2) * hmb.Get(0));
result.SetComplex(6, hma.Get(2) * hmb.Get(1));
result.SetComplex(9, hma.Get(2) * hmb.Get(2));
result.SetComplex(11, hma.Get(2) * hmb.Get(3));
// bottom right submatrix
result._data[8] = (hma[3] * hmb[0]).real();
result.SetComplex(13, hma[3] * hmb[2]);
result._data[15] = (hma[3] * hmb[3]).real();
result._data[8] = (hma.Get(3) * hmb.Get(0)).real();
result.SetComplex(13, hma.Get(3) * hmb.Get(2));
result._data[15] = (hma.Get(3) * hmb.Get(3)).real();
return result;
......@@ -42,11 +42,14 @@ inline NumT MedianWithCopyImplementation(const NumT* data, size_t size,
* Returns the median and the median-absolute-deviation (MAD).
template <typename NumT>
inline NumT MadImplementation(const NumT* data, size_t size) {
inline std::pair<NumT, NumT> MadImplementation(const NumT* data, size_t size) {
aocommon::UVector<NumT> copy;
NumT median = MedianWithCopyImplementation(data, size, copy);
if (copy.empty()) return 0.0;
const NumT median = MedianWithCopyImplementation(data, size, copy);
if (copy.empty()) return {0.0, 0.0};
// Replace all values by the difference from the mean
typename aocommon::UVector<NumT>::iterator mid =
......@@ -59,13 +62,13 @@ inline NumT MadImplementation(const NumT* data, size_t size) {
*i = *i - median;
std::nth_element(copy.begin(), mid, copy.end());
median = *mid;
NumT mad = *mid;
bool even = (copy.size() % 2) == 0;
if (even) {
std::nth_element(mid, mid + 1, copy.end());
median = (median + *(mid + 1)) * 0.5;
mad = (mad + *(mid + 1)) * 0.5;
return median;
return {median, mad};
} // namespace detail
......@@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ class ImageBase {
std::fill_n(ptr, start_x, 0.0);
std::copy_n(&input[(y - start_y) * in_width], in_width,
&output[y * out_width + start_x]);
std::fill_n(ptr + end_x, out_width, 0.0);
std::fill_n(ptr + end_x, out_width - end_x, 0.0);
for (size_t y = end_y; y != out_height; ++y) {
value_type* ptr = &output[y * out_width];
......@@ -540,11 +543,34 @@ class ImageBase {
value_type StdDevFromMAD() const {
return StdDevFromMAD(data_, width_ * height_);
static value_type StdDevFromMAD(const value_type* data, size_t size) {
// norminv(0.75) x MAD
return value_type(1.48260221850560) * MAD(data, size);
* Calculates both median and median-absolute-deviation (MAD). Because
* calculating MAD requires calculating the median, this is more efficient
* than calling
* @ref Median() and @ref MAD() after each other.
* @returns {median, mad}
std::pair<value_type, value_type> MedianAndMAD() const;
* Calculates both median and a standard deviation estimate from the
* median-absolute-deviation (MAD). Because calculating MAD requires
* calculating the median, this is more efficient than calling
* @ref Median() and @ref StdDevFromMAD() after each other.
* @returns {median, stddev_estimate}
std::pair<value_type, value_type> MedianAndStdDevFromMAD() const {
const std::pair<value_type, value_type> median_and_mad = MedianAndMAD();
return {median_and_mad.first,
value_type(1.48260221850560) * median_and_mad.second};
value_type RMS() const { return RMS(data_, width_ * height_); }
static value_type RMS(const value_type* data, size_t size) {
......@@ -662,13 +688,13 @@ typename ImageBase<NumT>::value_type ImageBase<NumT>::Median(
template <>
inline typename ImageBase<float>::value_type ImageBase<float>::MAD(
const value_type* data, size_t size) {
return detail::MadImplementation(data, size);
return detail::MadImplementation(data, size).second;
template <>
inline typename ImageBase<double>::value_type ImageBase<double>::MAD(
const value_type* data, size_t size) {
return detail::MadImplementation(data, size);
return detail::MadImplementation(data, size).second;
template <typename NumT>
......@@ -677,5 +703,26 @@ typename ImageBase<NumT>::value_type ImageBase<NumT>::MAD(const value_type*,
throw std::runtime_error("not implemented");
template <typename NumT>
typename std::pair<typename ImageBase<NumT>::value_type,
typename ImageBase<NumT>::value_type>
ImageBase<NumT>::MedianAndMAD() const {
throw std::runtime_error("not implemented");
template <>
inline typename std::pair<typename ImageBase<float>::value_type,
typename ImageBase<float>::value_type>
ImageBase<float>::MedianAndMAD() const {
return detail::MadImplementation(data_, width_ * height_);
template <>
inline typename std::pair<typename ImageBase<double>::value_type,
typename ImageBase<double>::value_type>
ImageBase<double>::MedianAndMAD() const {
return detail::MadImplementation(data_, width_ * height_);
} // namespace aocommon
......@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ class Matrix4x4 {
Matrix4x4 result;
const size_t posa[4] = {0, 2, 8, 10};
for (size_t i = 0; i != 4; ++i) {
result[posa[i]] = veca[i] * vecb[0];
result[posa[i] + 1] = veca[i] * vecb[1];
result[posa[i] + 4] = veca[i] * vecb[2];
result[posa[i] + 5] = veca[i] * vecb[3];
result[posa[i]] = veca.Get(i) * vecb.Get(0);
result[posa[i] + 1] = veca.Get(i) * vecb.Get(1);
result[posa[i] + 4] = veca.Get(i) * vecb.Get(2);
result[posa[i] + 5] = veca.Get(i) * vecb.Get(3);
return result;
......@@ -34,28 +34,28 @@ class PyUniquePointer {
/// @return A reference to the wrapped object.
/// @throw std::runtime_error If the PyUniquePointer holds a null pointer.
[[nodiscard]] T& operator*() {
T& operator*() {
return *pointer_;
/// @return A const reference to the wrapped object.
/// @throw std::runtime_error If the PyUniquePointer holds a null pointer.
[[nodiscard]] const T& operator*() const {
const T& operator*() const {
return *pointer_;
/// @return A pointer to the wrapped object.
/// @throw std::runtime_error If the PyUniquePointer holds a null pointer.
[[nodiscard]] T* operator->() {
T* operator->() {
return pointer_.get();
/// @return A const pointer to the wrapped object.
/// @throw std::runtime_error If the PyUniquePointer holds a null pointer.
[[nodiscard]] const T* operator->() const {
const T* operator->() const {
return pointer_.get();
......@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ class PyUniquePointer {
} // namespace aocommon::py
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -148,10 +148,16 @@ class MC2x2DiagBase {
return *this;
const std::complex<ValType>& operator[](size_t index) const {
return _values[index];
MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& operator-=(const MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& source) {
_values[0] -= source._values[0];
_values[1] -= source._values[1];
return *this;
std::complex<ValType> Get(size_t index) const { return _values[index]; }
void Set(size_t index, std::complex<ValType> value) {
_values[index] = value;
std::complex<ValType>& operator[](size_t index) { return _values[index]; }
* Return MC2x2Base matrix filled with zeros
......@@ -186,7 +192,8 @@ class MC2x2DiagBase {
* Matrix multiplication, alias for the overloaded * operator
MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> Multiply(const MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& rhs) const {
return MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>(_values[0] * rhs[0], _values[1] * rhs[1]);
return MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>(_values[0] * rhs.Get(0),
_values[1] * rhs.Get(1));
......@@ -222,8 +229,9 @@ class MC2x2DiagBase {
template <typename ValType>
scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType> operator*(const MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& lhs,
const scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>& rhs) {
return scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>(lhs[0] * rhs[0], lhs[0] * rhs[1],
lhs[1] * rhs[2], lhs[1] * rhs[3]);
return scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>(
lhs.Get(0) * rhs.Get(0), lhs.Get(0) * rhs.Get(1), lhs.Get(1) * rhs.Get(2),
lhs.Get(1) * rhs.Get(3));
......@@ -232,8 +240,9 @@ scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType> operator*(const MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& lhs,
template <typename ValType>
scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType> operator*(const scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>& lhs,
const MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& rhs) {
return scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>(lhs[0] * rhs[0], lhs[1] * rhs[1],
lhs[2] * rhs[0], lhs[3] * rhs[1]);
return scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>(
lhs.Get(0) * rhs.Get(0), lhs.Get(1) * rhs.Get(1), lhs.Get(2) * rhs.Get(0),
lhs.Get(3) * rhs.Get(1));
......@@ -242,8 +251,8 @@ scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType> operator*(const scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>& lhs,
template <typename ValType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
const MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>& value) {
output << "[{" << value[0] << ", " << std::complex<float>{0.0} << "}, {"
<< std::complex<float>{0.0} << ", " << value[1] << "}]";
output << "[{" << value.Get(0) << ", " << std::complex<float>{0.0} << "}, {"
<< std::complex<float>{0.0} << ", " << value.Get(1) << "}]";
return output;
......@@ -252,7 +261,32 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,
template <typename ValType>
MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> Diagonal(const scalar::MC2x2Base<ValType>& matrix) {
return MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>(matrix[0], matrix[3]);
return MC2x2DiagBase<ValType>(matrix.Get(0), matrix.Get(3));
template <typename ValType>
inline MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> HermTranspose(
MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> matrix) noexcept {
return matrix.HermTranspose();
/// @returns the sum of the diagonal elements.
template <typename ValType>
inline std::complex<float> Trace(MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> matrix) noexcept {
return matrix.Get(0) + matrix.Get(1);
/// @returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
template <typename ValType>
inline float Norm(MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> matrix) noexcept {
return std::norm(matrix.Get(0)) + std::norm(matrix.Get(1));
/// Returns the original diagonal matrix. Can be useful for templated code so
/// that it can be used for both the diagonal and full matrix variants.
template <typename ValType>
inline MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> Diagonal(MC2x2DiagBase<ValType> matrix) noexcept {
return matrix;
} // namespace aocommon::scalar
......@@ -90,10 +90,20 @@ class StaticFor {
* Like @ref Run(), but with limited number of threads. This
* may be useful when each thread takes memory and the total
* memory needs to be constrained. In combination with
* may be useful when: i) each thread takes memory and the total
* memory needs to be constrained -- in combination with
* a nested for (using the @ref RecursiveFor class), it may
* be possible to reduce the memory without affecting performance.
* be possible to reduce the memory without affecting performance;
* ii) if the run is part of a nested run, and synchronization
* of all threads causes too much overhead.
* If @p max_threads is set to 1, the provided @p function is
* directly called without any thread synchronization. This also
* implies that a nested run does not require a RecursiveFor to
* exist. This allows conditional nested parallelization without
* having to duplicate the function for the case that doing a
* nested run is not efficient (e.g. because the outer loop
* dimension is large enough to occupy all threads).
void ConstrainedRun(Iter start, Iter end, size_t max_threads,
std::function<void(Iter, Iter)> function) {
......@@ -145,6 +155,7 @@ class StaticFor {
/// The number of chunks (parts) that the full range is divided into.
size_t n_chunks_;
Iter iter_start_;
Iter iter_end_;
......@@ -162,15 +173,15 @@ template <typename Iter>
inline void StaticFor<Iter>::run(Iter start, Iter end, size_t max_chunks) {
assert(start <= end);
const size_t n_threads = ThreadPool::GetInstance().NThreads();
if (end == start + 1 || n_threads <= 1) {
n_chunks_ = std::min({n_threads, end - start, max_chunks});
if (n_chunks_ <= 1) {
callFunction(start, end, 0);
} else {
iter_start_ = start;
iter_end_ = end;
n_chunks_ = std::min({n_threads, end - start, max_chunks});
if (RecursiveFor* recursive_for = RecursiveFor::GetInstance();
recursive_for) {
recursive_for->Run(0, n_threads,
recursive_for->Run(0, n_chunks_,
[&](size_t thread_index) { loop(thread_index); });
} else {
......@@ -179,6 +190,33 @@ inline void StaticFor<Iter>::run(Iter start, Iter end, size_t max_chunks) {
template <typename Iter>
inline void RunStaticFor(Iter start, Iter end,
std::function<void(Iter, Iter)> function) {
StaticFor<Iter>().Run(start, end, std::move(function));
template <typename Iter>
inline void RunStaticFor(Iter start, Iter end,
std::function<void(Iter, Iter, size_t)> function) {
StaticFor<Iter>().Run(start, end, std::move(function));
template <typename Iter>
inline void RunConstrainedStaticFor(Iter start, Iter end, size_t max_threads,
std::function<void(Iter, Iter)> function) {
StaticFor<Iter>().ConstrainedRun(start, end, max_threads,
template <typename Iter>
inline void RunConstrainedStaticFor(
Iter start, Iter end, size_t max_threads,
std::function<void(Iter, Iter, size_t)> function) {
StaticFor<Iter>().ConstrainedRun(start, end, max_threads,
} // namespace aocommon
......@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ PYTHON_FILES=$(git ls-files $PYTHON_FILES_EXCLUDEDIRS)
# Use line length 79, which complies with PEP-8.
BLACK="black -l 79"
# Sort imports according to PEP-8
ISORT="isort --profile black"
if [[ "${CLANG_FORMAT_BINARY}" == "" ]] ; then
......@@ -87,7 +90,8 @@ if [ -n "$DRYRUN" ]; then
if !(${CLANG_FORMAT_BINARY} -style=file --output-replacements-xml $CXX_FILES |
grep -q "<replacement ") &&
cmake-format --check $CMAKE_FILES &&
$BLACK --check $PYTHON_FILES; then
$ISORT --check $PYTHON_FILES; then
# Print in bold-face green
echo -e "\e[1m\e[32mGreat job, all files are properly formatted!\e[0m"
......@@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ else
cmake-format -i $CMAKE_FILES
# Print in bold-face
echo -e "\e[1mSuccessfully formatted all files.\e[0m"
......@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<AvxDiagMC2x2>);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(construct_zero_initialized) {
BOOST_TEST(AvxDiagMC2x2::Zero()[0] == (std::complex<double>{0.0, 0.0}));
BOOST_TEST(AvxDiagMC2x2::Zero()[1] == (std::complex<double>{0.0, 0.0}));
BOOST_TEST(AvxDiagMC2x2::Zero().Get(0) == (std::complex<double>{0.0, 0.0}));
BOOST_TEST(AvxDiagMC2x2::Zero().Get(1) == (std::complex<double>{0.0, 0.0}));
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_2_complex_double) {
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_2_complex_double) {
const AvxDiagMC2x2 result{std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0},
std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}};
BOOST_TEST(result[0] == (std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0}));
BOOST_TEST(result[1] == (std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}));
BOOST_TEST(result.Get(0) == (std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0}));
BOOST_TEST(result.Get(1) == (std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}));
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_complex_double_pointer) {
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_complex_double_pointer) {
std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}};
const AvxDiagMC2x2 result(input);
BOOST_TEST((result[0] == std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0}));
BOOST_TEST((result[1] == std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}));
BOOST_TEST((result.Get(0) == std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0}));
BOOST_TEST((result.Get(1) == std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}));
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(data) {
std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}};
const aocommon::avx::VectorComplexDouble2 result{input.Data()};
BOOST_TEST((result[0] == std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0}));
BOOST_TEST((result[1] == std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}));
BOOST_TEST((result.Get(0) == std::complex<double>{-1.0, 1.0}));
BOOST_TEST((result.Get(1) == std::complex<double>{3.75, -3.75}));
......@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(operator_plus_equal) {
r += value;
static_assert(noexcept(r += value));
BOOST_TEST(r[0] == (std::complex<double>{5.0, 10.0}));
BOOST_TEST(r[1] == (std::complex<double>{50.0, 55.0}));
BOOST_TEST(r.Get(0) == (std::complex<double>{5.0, 10.0}));
BOOST_TEST(r.Get(1) == (std::complex<double>{50.0, 55.0}));