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  • Eugene Yakubovich's avatar
    Have registry deal with subnet and not etcd types · 79ac90c1
    Eugene Yakubovich authored
    Let the registry expose the interface that uses types
    like subnet.Lease instead of etcd.Response. This will
    make it easier to support something other than etcd if
    a need arises. And it makes the subnet manager simpler
    as it has gotten to big lately.
    Unrelated change: the initialization logic will retry
    from the beginning on failer, not the step that failed.
    Have registry deal with subnet and not etcd types
    Eugene Yakubovich authored
    Let the registry expose the interface that uses types
    like subnet.Lease instead of etcd.Response. This will
    make it easier to support something other than etcd if
    a need arises. And it makes the subnet manager simpler
    as it has gotten to big lately.
    Unrelated change: the initialization logic will retry
    from the beginning on failer, not the step that failed.