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  • Maksym Kutsevol's avatar
    Apply changes to etcdv2 code after package move · 9a83d0bd
    Maksym Kutsevol authored and Tom Denham's avatar Tom Denham committed
    Packaging and support for ikev2
    Vendoring goStrongswanVici
    Make ESP proposals configurable & default to Suite-B-GCM-128
    goStrongswanVici dependency update
    Removed CreateBackendData/GetBackendData
     * As flannel doesn't support multiple networks, this is not needed any
    Splitting launch and management of charon
     * Transitional, (WIP)
     * Support for bundled/remote charon.
     * Cleanup after removal of CreateBackendData/GetBackendData
    Some packaging
     * It builds amd64.
     * Still much to do.
    RegisterNetwork can correctly shutdown spawned processes
     * Added sync.WaitGroup, so spawned processes can correctly shutdown.
     * Bundled charon daemon correctly shuts down.