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  • Steve Beattie's avatar
    utils/easyprof: fix regression test when apparmor-easyprof is not installed · d0edb879
    Steve Beattie authored
    This patch fixes the testsuite for aa-easyprof when the easyprof
    utilities and configuration files are not installed in the system.
    What was happening was that verify_manifest was calling parse_args()
    without the synthetic arguments created by the test case and passing
    the result to AppArmorEasyProfile(). Because parse_args() didn't
    have the synthetic arguments, it would parse the actual command line
    arguments passed to the testscript, which of course didn't specify the
    alternate configuration file location. This would work when easyprof
    had been installed in the system, because the fallback configuration
    file in /etc/apparmor/easyprof.conf would exist and specify template
    and policy group locations. Without that, though, the tests would abort
    due to not knowing the location of the templates and policy groups.
    This patch fixes the issue by passing the synthetic argument list
    to verify_manifest, which uses that when calling parse_args(). A
    debugging statement that states which conffile is being used when
    AppArmorEasyProfile is being instantiated.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSteve Beattie <>
    Acked-by: default avatarTyler Hicks <>