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  • Steve Beattie's avatar
    manpages: incorporate podchecker; fix errors and (most) warnings · c48d7dc7
    Steve Beattie authored
    This patch adds a 'check_pod_files' make target to the common make
    rules, and then fixes the errors it highlighted as well as most of
    the warnings. It will cause 'make check' in most of the directories to
    fail if there are errors in a pod file (but not if there are warnings).
    Common issues were:
      - using an '=over/=back' pair for code-like snippets that did not
        contain any =items therein; the =over keyword is intended for
        indenting lists of =item entries, and generates a warning if
        there isn't any.
      - not escaping '<' or '>'
      - blank lines that contained spaces or tabs
    The second -warnings flag passed to podchecker is to add additional
    warnings, un-escaped '<' and '>' being of them.
    I did not fix all of the warnings in apparmor.d.pod, as I have not come
    up with a good warning-free way to express the BNF of the language
    similar in format to what is currently generated. The existing
    libapparmor warnings (complaints about d...