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  • Jamie Strandboge's avatar
    abstractions/base: allow read access to /run/uuidd/request · 45fffc12
    Jamie Strandboge authored
    /run/uuidd/request is hardcoded in libuuid from util-linux and uuidd
    listens on this socket to provide random and time-based UUIDs in a
    secure manner (man 8 uuidd). Some applications (eg, python's uuid)
    prefer to use this socket, falling back to getrandom(), /dev/urandom,
    etc. Eg:
    $ strace -f aa-exec -p test -- \
      python3 -c 'import uuid ; print("%s\n" % str(uuid.uuid1()))'
    socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
    getrandom("\x8e\x89\xa5\xe7\x39\x1b", 6, GRND_NONBLOCK) = 6
    uuidd itself produces random numbers using getrandom() and
    /dev/{,u}random (falling back to time-based if not), which are already
    allowed in the base abstraction. The uuidd daemon, when available, runs
    unprivileged under a dedicated user, so allowing read-only access to
    /run/uuidd/request is reasonable.