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  • Jamie Strandboge's avatar
    abstraction updates for abstract, anonymous and netlink · 1f003c01
    Jamie Strandboge authored
    - the base abstraction for common abstract and anonymous rules (comments
      included per rule)
    - dbus-session-strict to add a rule for connecting to the dbus session
      socket. I used 'peer=(label=unconfined)' here, but I could probably lose the
      explicit label if people preferred that
    - X to add a rule for connecting to the X abstract socket. Same as for
    - nameservice to add a rule for connecting to a netlink raw. This change could
      possibly be excluded, but applications using networking (at least on Ubuntu)
      all seem to need it. Excluding it would mean systems using nscd would need to
      add this and ones not using it would have a noisy denial
    Acked-By: default avatarJamie Strandboge <>
    Acked-by: default avatarSeth Arnold <>