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updated functionality of settings page

Harsh Mishra requested to merge MiHarsh/social-street-smart:apishow into gsoc-2021

Solves (#47)

I also want to mention few more issues, which have been addressed :

  1. In Current Implementation, whenever OK button is pressed( in the case of Google Search API), it just replaces the existing API without checking if the input is null. This can cause loss of previously stored key. Therefore some check should be present.

What all things are updated :

  1. When OK button is pressed, it checks if the input is null, if nothing is selected, shows "Please select a file/ Please enter the API key first".
  2. If Key is not empty, and OK button is pressed, "Saved Successfully" message is shown.
  3. For the SHOW button, if key is not present, it shows "No keys found" message, if present, displays in the console.
Edited by Harsh Mishra

Merge request reports