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designed front end for fake news detection and integrated it with API


Chrome extension for detecting fake news.

this is a Chrome extension which is using this flask API, taking a headline and body of a news as input and return following:

    Agree: if both headline and body are in agreement with each other.

    Disagree: if both headline and body are contradicting each other.

    DIscuss: if body is neither in favor or against headline but related to each other.

    Unrelated: if both are not related to each other.

To use this extension:

  1. select news headline right click on it and add to headline section.
  2. select body of news right click on it and add to body section.
  3. Go to extension and click on 'Check news' button.

This extension is used on following real time news from BBC news's website, Screenshot are attached herewith:



Now this extension requires both headline as well as body of news but further, we can improve this by storing all recent authentic headline of news in backend of FLask API (trained on NLP and deep learning Models) and then we only requires to select a piece of text and we can check if that news contradict (i.e Disagree) with any of stored Headlines, If so, than that news is fake. And other features can also be implemented.


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