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Report Broken Features of the Extension - Issue# 66

MadeWithAI requested to merge madewithai/social-street-smart:gsoc-2022 into gsoc-2022

Hi @divyanshu887, I have switched the branch from master to gsoc-2022, and worked to find out the broken features of the extension. Following are the errors which I found:

  1. On the settings page the Blur feature is working properly as it is blurring the click bait content and Profanity words. But when I toggled to "Hide the post", and saved the settings(on twitter), the content is still showing with blur effect (the content is not hiding).
  2. When I tried to enter the fake news text on the input area of the extension and then click on the "News Origin" button, nothing appeared under the "Result section". when I double clicked the "News Origin" button, The following message displayed under the Result section: "There was an error "
  3. The options in the context menu are not functioning

Merge request reports