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Gsoc 2021 v3

In this MR

  • Adhoc communication using gossip protocol, so messages could be relayed between devices efficiently

  • Implementation of ack messages, so the sender of the message and other devices get ack-ed that a message has been received and stop broadcasting it.

  • Cron job was set up so that messages cached are broadcasted after regular intervals

  • Chat interface was improved

  • App config was modified so it works seamlessly with Android X.

  • Database support was given using Sqlite for the message cache and offline storage of conversations

  • UI was improved, with separate pages for listing available devices and chats, profile.

  • the dart files were separated into 4 directories - pages, database, classes and p2p

  • the app name was changed from flutter_nearby_connections_example to p2p

  • the Application ID was set to com.aossie.p2p

Merge request reports