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Create homepage for the django backend and adding about and purpose of the extension

Closes #85 (closed)


  • Create a homepage/landing page for the Django backend and add the about and purpose of the extension.

The following feature from issue #85 (closed) has been achieved:

  • Implement a homepage or landing page that would show all the details and information of the AOSSIE Scholar Extension page such as the purpose of the extension, and a link to the detailed documentation file which would describe the installation and local setup of the extension, etc.
  • Removing any remaining backend bugs and updating the profile and background page.
  • Created an "app" which is a Django concept for things and can be extracted from it (for example, authentication which can be used in other applications too).
  • Created static pages like "landing", "aim" and "about".
  • Added it to Django's INSTALLED_APPS and then append the extension to the end of those other ones because it will be needed. The newly created pages app will have a new pages folder with a couple of python files and the Particular ones that interest us are pages/ and pages/
  • When a request comes to the server, Django will find a "view", a function that will process the request and send the response. The way Django finds how to connect a URL that comes with the request and a view is via URL patterns which are located in the extension's main directory.


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