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added documentation on CI/CD Integration testing, Gulp automation workflow and unit testing like puppeteer and jest

Closes #88 (closed)


  • Added detailed documentation on CI/CD Integration testing, Gulp automation workflow, and unit testing like puppeteer and jest.

The following feature from issue #88 (closed) has been achieved:

  • Maintained detailed documentation on integration and unit testing, CI/CD, DevOps, and Gulp Automation workflow so that the new developers who want to work and contribute can get a better vision and insight into the idea of the project and how different functions and testing can be done using automation tools.
  • Maintaining documentation will help ensure consent and expectations and will help to tell the project maintainers about implementations made, how the project will run with different testing tools and what errors were faced so that any new contributor will not face that.
  • It is important to record all the information that can help support the proper treatment plan and the workflow of the project.
  • Tested the entire front-end part using JEST and PUPPETEER, with proper console outputs and debugging any front-end or backend bugs in development.

Merge request reports