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Adding required indexes and metrics calculation functions for determining scholar's performance

Closes #83 (closed)


  • Implemented the AR-index and l-index for calculating scholars' performance and doing research calculations.

The following feature from issue #83 (closed) has been achieved:

  • With the induction of new metrics, there will be a wider range of parameters, the calculations would depend upon. This would help in better performance computation, because the numbers will not be dependent on a single parameter, such as the number of publications, number of citations, etc.
  • The AR index is counted from the age-weighted citation rate, which is the number of citations of each paper divided by its age. Then, the square root of the sum of all age-weighted citation rates gives the AR index and this helps in taking the time of publishing papers into consideration during performance calculation.
  • The L-index ranges from 0.0 to 9.9, which combines the number of citations, the number of co-authors, and the age of publications into a single value.

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