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Displaying connected network's name and chainId on Dashboard once wallet is connected to the network


Network information inside the Dashboard.js file was displaying static network information and they were not displayed based on the currently connected network. Now in this MR, I have implemented code to get connected network's details such as network name and chainId. These details can be seen dynamically on Dashboard page once the user connects the account and selects the network. changes were made inside Dashboard.js file.

Here are some UI images describing my change,

  1. When wallet is connected to Local Hardhat network: show_network
  2. When wallet is connected to Goerli network: show_network_2

Type of change

Please mark the options that are relevant.

  • Updated UI/UX
  • Improved the business logic of code
  • Added new feature
  • Other


  • I have performed a self-review of my own code
  • I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
  • I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
  • My changes generate no new warnings
Edited by Jaimin Chokhawala

Merge request reports