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Added a new voting algorithm (BORDA VOTING ALGORITHM)

kumar harsh requested to merge harshme78/agora-blockchain:borda-algo into develop


In this MR I have Added a new voting algorithm (Borda voting Algo). the solidity contract for Borda resulatCalculator is added along with the Borda ballot which is used to store the respective votes of the election. In the frontend vote modal is also modified so that to take the vote for Borda Algo in the way it requires. The input is taken in such a way that rank of each candidate is taken at the time of voting from the voter video link -

Fixes # (issue)

Type of change

Please mark the options that are relevant.

  • Updated UI/UX
  • Improved the business logic of code
  • Added new feature
  • Other


  • I have performed a self-review of my own code
  • I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
  • I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
  • My changes generate no new warnings
Edited by kumar harsh

Merge request reports