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Rn update ( 0.55.4 -> 0.58.6 )

Himanshu requested to merge himanshuc3/CarbonFootprint-Mobile:RN_update into master

@prudhvir3ddy @madhavgaba I have updated react native to 0.58.6. The only thing which is currently in non working condition is perhaps google and twitter o-auth. I did comment out twitter o-auth because of version differences and conflicts and that is possibly the only service that would not be working. Please try pulling this and try building this and check it out. This is an important step. If you get stuck at any point during building, do comment below.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Pull and merge this commit. If any conflicts, accept incoming changes. Accept all incoming changes.
  2. Remove and install all libraries - rm -rf node_modules && npm i. Package.json is updated with pull but node_modules is not. This step aims to do that.
  3. cd android && ./gradlew assembleDebug --stacktrace. If this step is running, then only go for checking on the emulator. I would advice to make a different local repository just so that you could recover if you mess up.
Edited by Himanshu

Merge request reports