At the time of filing, the latest version was Asciidoctor.js 2.0.3 and it's based Asciidoctor 2.0.9 and Opal (31d26d69). Also note that the package has been moved from asciidoctor.js to @asciidoctor/core. The relevant improvements and breaking changes in Asciidoctor.js are listed here:
You know the drill:
check our include processor
check for workarounds we can remove
upgrade related dependencies
run performance benchmarks
make sure extensions aren't hanging around after processing
Upgrading to Asciidoctor.js 2.0 is a breaking change ( API improvements new AsciiDoc syntax) for Antora so it's scheduled for the next major release.
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information
Hello! I stumbled across this one after finding that the collapsible feature as of Asciidoctor 2.0.0 is what I was looking for to solve a major requirement. I would have liked to see upgrading to Asciidoctor.js 2.0.x top priority, but it doesnt seem so? Please give me a clue to when I can expect it to happen?
Unfortunately getting the AsciiDoc spec project going and the Asciidoctor doc site upgraded is following the normal schedule of programming projects, the first 95% takes the first 95% of the time, and the remaining 5% takes the remaining 95% of the time. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt Dan will have time to work on Antora soon, and even if he does it's not clear that the Asciidoctor 2 upgrade will be in Antora 3.
However, with ingenuity, you might not need to wait. I haven't personally tried this, but shows a Ruby extension that implements the collapsible block functionality. It would be easy to write the equivalent in Javascript. I believe this also needs css and possibly js support, which would involve extracting it from the Asciidoctor css and js and adding it to your Antora UI bundle.
If you want to experiment with the possible future of Antora, I have a recent integration of Asciidoctor 2 using pipeline extensions and replaceable pipeline stages (issue 699). This is not officially part of Antora and if you use it is almost certain to require several configuration changes before anything related becomes part of Antora. I haven't looked into the css/js aspects here at all. I think the extension approach is safer at this point but I'll come up with some instructions for this experimental approach if you want.
@erikhag1 There are two main blockers for the upgrade to Asciidoctor 2. The first is that Antora's own docs are incompatible with Asciidoctor 2 and need to be updated. This can be seen by running the docs site with the current version of Antora and comparing them to the version with the open MR applied. There's an assumption about how source blocks are interpreted that we need to correct. The other main blocker is that we need to clearly communicate what changes users need to watch out for that could impact their site, since Asciidoctor 2 brings about some noteworthy syntax changes. This information will be included in the docs and linked from the release notes.
I'm still keeping the possibility open that the Asciidoctor 2 upgrade can happen with the Antora 3 release. If not, it will almost certainly be included in the major version that follows it. Personally, I want to get to Asciidoctor 2 as much as anyone else, so that is definitely driving me to get it done.
Thanks a lot for your prompt and ellaborate responses, Dan and David! I'm eager to see this happen, but of course I understand your issues, I respect your priorities and admire your work:)
Meanwhile, I've established a less than perfect workaround with generating two variants of most documents and xref-ing to the more detailed variant.
(On my side, this is part of a POC where I'm generating Asciidoc/Antora books from Archimate models in the Archi tool, with reference architectures for data sharing in the university sector as showcase. If you're interested, I could tell you more about it and the potential it has as a key component in cross sector co-creation of architecture documentation, counting the Norwegian public sector. Btw. I'm working as an Enterprise Architect at the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency, equipped with rusty programming skills - I just want to make IT happen...)
I ran the code with the upgrade against a large Antora site and found that the performance difference is now within a reasonable limit. (On my machine, the time it took to build the site under test went from 3m with Asciidoctor 1.5.x using Node 10 to 3m21s with Asciidoctor 2.2.x using Node 14).