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Transform media min/max in css to a updated notation

Martin requested to merge mmattel/antora-ui-default:transform_media into master

References: Default-UI and stylelint dependency upgrade

With this, the notation of css media definitions is updated to a newer form - not breaking functionality. See media-feature-range-notation for details.

In a nutshell, the changes are about: @media (min-width: 600px) {} --> @media (width >= 600px) {}


If you want to:

stylelint dependency upgrade from 14.x to 15.10.1

stylelint-config-standard dependency upgrade from 29.0.0 to 34.0.0

you will get warnings when building the bundle.

By applying this merge request, you can upgrade the dependencies and the warnings go away. Note that stylelint 14.x was reported to have security alerts which are solved using 15.x

Check which css files may need changes:

grep -rn --exclude-dir={node_modules,public,.git,.github} --exclude="\yarn.lock" "@media"

Check which css files have been changed:

grep -rn --exclude-dir={node_modules,public,.git,.github} --exclude="\yarn.lock" "(width "

Merge request reports