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resolves #58: adding Font Awesome icons while keeping admonitions as text as before

This PR adds the Font Awesome 4.7 fonts to the default UI as outlined by @mojavelinux in #58 (comment 192255717)

This copies the font-awesome.css to the project and then modifies the top classes to work with the Gulp build process and the existing CSS:

  • @font-face rewritten to use ~font-awesome to pick up files from node_modules folder
  • Parts of .fa split to .fa:before to avoid resetting the font of admonitions defined in doc.css (search for .doc .admonitionblock .icon i::after)

To make linting pass, I touched-up the file to comply with stylelint.

I've stumbled across #114 (closed) and tried to fix-up the documentation as bit: I am not sure if a generic pattern works for all fonts. For Font Awesome to work I needed to add the search/hash elements, so I added them for both.

preview enclosed; checkboxes work as before, same for admonitions. Icons show.


Edited by Alexander Schwartz

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