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change license from MIT to MPL-2.0

Software in the Antora organization is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. As this extension is now part of the Antora organization, it should be licensed under the same terms. This not only avoids confusion for users, but also supports the development model and goals of Antora.

In order to do this right, we need to get approval from all contributors who have made substantial contributions (roughly defined as more than 25 lines of code). From what I'm seeing, that includes the following people:

  • Guillaume Grossetie
  • Thor K. Høgås
  • Daniel Mulholland
  • Gautier de Saint Martin Lacaze
  • Alexander Schwartz
  • Dan Allen

Please give a +1 in the comments to acknowledge that you approve this change.

Edited by Dan Allen

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