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WIP: Add support for new SpamAssassin subjprefix keyword

Giovanni Bechis requested to merge gbechis/amavis:Subjprefix into master

Starting with the upcoming SpamAssassin 3.4.3 release a new subjprefix will be introduced. It will be possible to add a Subject prefix to email's Subject based on specific rules. A little patch is needed to support this feature in Amavis.

A tipical SpamAssassin rule to test this feature is:

if can(Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::feature_subjprefix)  
  enlist_addrlist (GITLABEMAIL) *  
  header GITLAB     eval:check_from_in_list('GITLABEMAIL')  
  describe GITLAB          Gitlab emails  
  score GITLAB             0.001  
  subjprefix GITLAB        [Gitlab]  

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