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API SSO, Beautification of Tables, and more.

Adarnof requested to merge api_sso into master

I wanted to make the 1000th commit special, so I've bundled a pile of goodies into one PR.

Optionally require SSO verification of ownership of API keys before assigning to a user. This requires the user to authenticate as a character on the API key before accepting it. Prevents stolen keys from being used. Closes #163 (closed)

Additionally, I went through and beautified a lot of the pages with tables by removing borders, incorporating tabs, and hiding when empty.

Many pages are dead-ends, meaning they have a result but no way to return to the origin. I've added buttons to do so, usually an arrow or the word "Continue".

Discourse requires group names to be between 3 and 20 characters. Auth has no such requirements. Therefore group names under 3 have underscored appended to bring up to the limit, and longer ones get trimmed.

Merge request reports